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Stellengesuche zur Personalsuche Konstruktion 3d CAD PLM customer satisfaction design-to-cost

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Profilfoto Titel Stellengesuche Kontaktinfos

CRM Program Manager, Head of Market Research, Customer Satisfaction Manager

Aktuelle Tätigkeit Freelance Consultant / Interim Manager / Contractor
Aktuelle Position Projektleiter
Gesuchte Anstellung Angestellt (Fest), Angestellt (Befristet), Teilzeit, Freier Mitarbeiter
Gesuchte Region 1
Wohnort 12101 Berlin
Alter 49
Datum Update 19.06.2018

Kontaktdaten offen
Handy PDF-Dokumente vorhanden. Link zur Webseite vorhanden.
For 13 years I've been working as a freelance consultant with focus on market research related projects, advanced analytics and reporting. In a nutshell: I supported program and business management with business critical market insights. I am highly experienced in ad hoc project management as wel..

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