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Stellengesuche zur Personalsuche Bürokaufmann Finance Accounting Prince2 Customer Service

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1 - 20 Bewerberprofile (von 25) zur Personal-Suche "Bürokaufmann Finance Accounting Prince2 Customer Service"
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Aktuelle Tätigkeit NOC Engineer
Aktuelle Position Mitarbeiter
Gesuchte Anstellung Angestellt (Fest)
Gesuchte Region 7,8
Wohnort 86911 Diessen Am Ammersee
Alter 42
Datum Update 14.09.2017

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Experienced Telecommunication Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the telecommunications industry. Skilled in Business Planning, Sales, Pre-sales, Networking, Wireless, HyperLAN and SAT Products. Strong information technology professional with a Engineer's degree focused in Telecomm..

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